Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Skirt Was Too Short

I watched the 2nd showing of Celebrity Duets and the result was surprising indeed . Caroline In The City got voted out to the dismay of her daughters who were in the audience that day . I guess the voting audience did not like her ' Tina Turney like mini skirt ' . Don't get me wrong . She's got good legs but it's a turn off for a lady her age . The show have cool guest singers again this time led by Brian Mc Knight who sang the 1-2-3 song with Jai . Not bad . No. it's actually entertaining . Then there was Kenny Loggins too . Wonder what happened to his partner , Messina ? I look forward to more cool guests next week.


At 12:22 PM, Blogger coach said...

It's too bad . I think she sang well. Better than the skater !

At 2:20 PM, Blogger Foto Man said...

Jai sang well again . Actually , I find the show fun !


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