Friday, August 18, 2006

Kate In Tonight Show

I watched Kate Hudson last night being interviewed by Jay Leno in the latter's show . Wow ! She was wearing a revealing dress but nothing vulgar . It's true that Kate is the new Meg Ryan . She's a sweetheart . Actually , Jennifer Aniston and maybe ? Lindsay Lohan are viewing for the title. You know , the princess of romantic comedies . I think she is of the right age . Aniston is a little bit old while Lohan is wild !
She was truly at home during the interview . Both she and Jay were laughing upon completion of every sentence . This episode was a replay so the news of the break up with her husband was not yet in the news.Whether she knows what was about to happen , I cannot tell. Something was evident though . Kate seemed enamored of Owen Wilson based on her actuations during the interview . Lucky Dupree ! Why do girls fall in love with comedians easilly ? I should be a comedian so I can have plenty of chicks !


At 3:02 PM, Blogger Foto Man said...

I saw that show several days ago. Jay can't take his eyes off Kate's breast !

At 3:35 PM, Blogger coach said...

Too bad , Kate is married !


Too bad . she is w/ Dupree !

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Kylie said...

Thanks for reading my blog!


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