Friday, August 11, 2006

The Aura Of James Dean

Great TV the other night . It was about James Dean . I remember the boys during that time was copying the style of JD . Leather jacket , brushed up hair or pompadour is it ? Really cool stuff .
I watched all his films like Giants , East Of Eden and of course The Rebel Without A Cause .
I wonder if he did not die young , would he be as big as he is now ?
He was an advocate of method acting . Like Robert De Niro and other great stars . I like that . De Niro in Raging Bull even added weight to get more into the role. I want to be an actor . I found that inner wish too late. Now, if I pursue that wish , I'll be doing mature roles . Not too many of those . Who wants a middle age James Dean ?


At 3:31 PM, Blogger coach said...

I like JD before I found out he's gay . No idol can be my idom if he's gay !

At 4:17 PM, Blogger john said...

Jimmy Dean will always be alive in every teenager's heart.Now , those teeens are grandpas and parents now but THE LEGEND CONTINUES ...

At 5:56 PM, Blogger coach said...

I adre James Dean. He lived a fast life and he dies young coz of it.


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