Thursday, December 07, 2006

Extra Big Plasma TV

I saw an interesting news today . It's about the 100 in Plasma TV . Wow . It's so big , you're just like watching in a mini theatre really . The manufacturer said they have a waiting line for the product as long as 3 months . The buyers are mostly showbiz people and folks from the Middle East . The huge TV is not bulky at all . It's only 8'' thick. Price : $ 80,000 . The Manufacturer reckoned the price will go down to between $ 20 - 25 k in the future !


At 6:20 PM, Blogger john said...

I want something like that big TV for X'mas !

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Foto Man said...

100 in plasma . Awesome . I bet that won't fit in my basement .


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