Thursday, November 30, 2006

History Channel

The past few days , I've been watching the History Channels - International and Local . It's addicting . I watched the shows there from early afternoon up to past midnight . Last Saturday , History Channel featured a marathon special on the Kennedy's . I've seen lots of Kennedy docus but somehow , there is something new .
The past few days this week , I watched Modern Marvels from the construction of Suez Canal to making pretzels, chocolates and harvesting cranberries ! What a blast ! I can't wait to see what's showing tonight !


At 12:45 PM, Blogger Kylie said...

oh man. pretzels rock. im back. btw. blogging and all that. x

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Kylie said...

oh man. pretzels rock. im back. btw. blogging and all that. x

At 6:28 PM, Blogger coach said...

I love Modern Marvels . You learn a lot from that show .


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