Thursday, December 21, 2006

42 in Or 50 in Plasma TV ?

My wife's friend just bought a 42 in plasma TV . Another one I know bought a 50 in one . I don't know if the difference in price is big enought that I would buy a smaller plasma TV . I know that 50 in is the smallest I would get for my viewing pleasure. It costs just a thousand less to have a bigger TV so why not go for it unless you have a small place then I can understand . Maybe if it is only my back up TV that's OK . Anyway , the holidays will definitely mean more sales . Make the 50 in plasma TV cheaper please !


At 11:28 PM, Blogger b o o said...

hope u get a nice BIG tv soon, thanks for visiting boobaloo :)

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Foto Man said...

are you a good boy ? if yes . santa will give it to you !

At 4:20 PM, Blogger film critic said...

ho , ho , ho . the plasma tv is under your tree !


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