Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Plasma TV

An acquiantance keep talking about buying a plasma TV that is HD. He said he saw some of these new TVs at some shops. I think he was referring to Best Buy . ' It's really something . You can stand this near and you would see all marks on the stars' faces ' he said. Well , I'm not crazy about marks in one's face . It reminds me of what Jay Leno said when he learned that veteran newscaster Dan Rather will do the newcast and the like for Mark Cuban's HD Net . ' My God . The people will see how all the pokes and marks in Dan's face . Now , they will really say he's old ' joked the comedian . The price of a LG 50 inch plasma is $ 3500 . Not bad . I don't know if I will buy one yet ! Maybe if I have the sattelite hooked up .

Friday, August 18, 2006

Kate In Tonight Show

I watched Kate Hudson last night being interviewed by Jay Leno in the latter's show . Wow ! She was wearing a revealing dress but nothing vulgar . It's true that Kate is the new Meg Ryan . She's a sweetheart . Actually , Jennifer Aniston and maybe ? Lindsay Lohan are viewing for the title. You know , the princess of romantic comedies . I think she is of the right age . Aniston is a little bit old while Lohan is wild !
She was truly at home during the interview . Both she and Jay were laughing upon completion of every sentence . This episode was a replay so the news of the break up with her husband was not yet in the news.Whether she knows what was about to happen , I cannot tell. Something was evident though . Kate seemed enamored of Owen Wilson based on her actuations during the interview . Lucky Dupree ! Why do girls fall in love with comedians easilly ? I should be a comedian so I can have plenty of chicks !

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

David Chase , A Genius

For the past months now , TLN has been showing re runs of Soprano . I love this show especially Gandolfini as Tony Soprano or Mr. T . The series is supposed to be down to its last 4 or 6 episodes which the crew are set to film soon. I heard that Gandolfini was injured so the filming got delayed . Maybe from eating too much . In just about episode , Tony was shown eating something .I won't be surprise if he has jaw or weight problem.
The showing is at 11 PM so it's quite late in the day when it finish. Before , we watch Soprano from a videotape that my wife's friend taped for us .She's got HBO .I just want to have my satellite soon so I can catch up. Actually , I've seen Soprano I , II , III from DVD I borrowed from the Library .These discs are good because these contain the Producer's insights. David Chase has some interesting views .

Friday, August 11, 2006

The Aura Of James Dean

Great TV the other night . It was about James Dean . I remember the boys during that time was copying the style of JD . Leather jacket , brushed up hair or pompadour is it ? Really cool stuff .
I watched all his films like Giants , East Of Eden and of course The Rebel Without A Cause .
I wonder if he did not die young , would he be as big as he is now ?
He was an advocate of method acting . Like Robert De Niro and other great stars . I like that . De Niro in Raging Bull even added weight to get more into the role. I want to be an actor . I found that inner wish too late. Now, if I pursue that wish , I'll be doing mature roles . Not too many of those . Who wants a middle age James Dean ?