American Idol Series . Bye,Bye Sanjaya.
Now Simon can breath a sigh of relief. Sanjaya is gone.After weeks of subjecting many viewers to agonishing musical experience, Sanjaya was boote
d out of Indian Idol. Ooooops , American Idol.Why did Sanjayay's supporters abandoned him? I can think of 2 reasons .First, Sanjayay's performance last night was unsalvageable. Horrendous according to Simon.The other reason was because of the Virginia Tech massacre.Many young people were glued to their TV sets watching this terrifying massacre and they just don't have time for any youthful stuff as inundating AI with votess for Sanjaya.One can say that Sanjaya Malakar was the 34th victim of crazy man , Cho Seung Hui. Now Sanjaya can concentrate on numerous offers for him to do all kinds of things.In Focus magazine reported that Sanjaya's potential income can go as high as $ 15 million. The Agency who made AI reject, William Hung famous, is after Sanjaya according to the same publication.

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