Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Return Of American Idol

I like watching AI since an officemate of mine told me about the show years ago . I missed season 1 but after that , I've watched them all . Season 3 was the most fantastic for me . That's when I've got several fav singers but unfortunately not one of those made it to the finals . The idol that year was Fantasia .Funny how the fates of Fantasia and Oscar winner , Jennifer Hudson crossed path again . Fantasia tried out for the Dreamgirl role . Eventually , that role was snagged by AI reject- Miss Hudson ( I think she placed 5th that season) . The rest is history . Goes to show you as well that acting is not hard at all . How can one 1st timer to the acting world beat the veterans ?

Saturday, February 03, 2007

The SuperBowl

People are getting ready for the big game this Sunday . My wife's officemate said they are readying the booze and may not be able to go to work this Monday because of hangover . I heard the sale of HDTV is brisk . The price has gone down for plasma TV and it definitely helped to push the product. Me . I am more interested in watching the commercials . I read one of the most awaited one if K Fed's fast food commercial. It's the subject of controversy as many fast food workers are said to be offended by the commercial .